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Kabbalah to navigate your inner world

Perhaps you have struggled before with the elusive search for meaning, and wished you had a personal mentor to guide your growth. What if you had the chance to meet one of the greatest masters of Kabbalah and learn ancient proven strategies for self-realization and contentment? In Soul Maps you will receive insight into your inner world and you will discover new strategies for overcoming obstacles to change and progress.
Soul Maps introduces you to Tanya, a 200-year-old text with a revolutionary approach to human psychology, to help you understand yourself and navigate your inner conflicts. You’ll learn to resolve guilt, conflict, and confusion, and to traverse life’s journeys with joy, purpose, and direction.

You can join the interactive and lively discussion online or in person, Wednesdays @ 8pm.

Join in person (with safety precautions):
@ Chabad - 496 Natoma St.

Join Online Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 415 756 3192
Passcode: chabadsf