Minyan schedule

 Chabad SF - Knesset Israel 873 Sutter St.

Weekday Minyan:

Shachris: Monday - Friday 7:15 AM

Shabbat @ Keneseth Israel 873 Sutter Street


6:00pm(Winter)/7:00pm(Summer)- Kabbalat Shabbat services, followed by Kiddush & Dinner RSVP Here.

Saturday :
10:00am - Shabbat morning services
Followed by Kiddush, Lunch & Hot Cholent, RSVP Here 

Click here to Sponsor Kiddush for a loved one, birthday or anniversary


8:30am morning BLT = Bagels, Lox and Teffilin 



~~~For more 'Visitors Info', Click Here


You can buy kosher items at the supermarkets (bagels, lox, uncooked meat and chicken) at Trader Joes, Andronicos 1200 Iriving st, but if you want prepared food, you can to go to, Sabra Grill or Oakland Kosher (detailed info in 'VISITORS INFO' ).